Welcome friends and family!

We created this blog so that everyone near and dear to our hearts will be able to connect with us from around the globe, hear all about Quentin and the journey that we like to call "parenthood"!

Monday, April 19, 2010


So I could go into a whole long story about what a journey this has been for us (feeding, that is). We have been to a very low, low with Quentin in which we were basically giving him his food (milk, formula) through syringes, orally. But, with a lot of perserverence from our son and ourselves we have finally arrived at a point that seems to be working in everyone's favor.

Long story short, Quentin LOVES food! He loves to eat and we are able to explore so many different foods with him now. Our nutrionist was concerned with his weight, but since we have been working with her Quentin has gained a little over 2 lbs. in one month. This is a huge success for Quentin and for us. We enjoy watching him try new foods and are very surprised many times to find that he likes things that we didn't think he would. He is chewing very well, so we are able to try many more foods that were once things that would have been impossible (try getting bread into a syringe and back out)!

The other great news that I wanted to share is that today at feeding clinic, Quentin drank from a cup and actually used his lips to seal the rim of the cup (he has done it before but never really sealed the cup with his lip like today). For some of you, it may seem like a simple task but for Quentin this is really difficult and he did it like a pro today. I was so proud of him and it makes me cry just sitting here thinking about it. These little insignificant things that many children do with ease are very big accomplishments for our little guy and it reminds me that there are so many things that I have to be thankful for in life. We take all the small steps and cherish them.

It was a great day today for our family and when times are tough I'll remember days like this!


  1. those are all great accomplishments! Good job Quentin! I'm glad you made a blog, I love to hear about the progress, you guys are having and just the amazing parenting skills by both of you. You guys are an inspiration, and i can't wait to meet the little guy. Love ya!

  2. I love that you are doing this. I am happy to hear that Q is doing so good. So what is his favorite food to eat now? Everyone is asleep but I'll be leting them know about Q's progress in the morning. Give him a big hug and a kiss from us. Ohh and some face rubs from the boys because that is what they would be doing if he was here. Thank you for sharing and I'll be keeping up with your blog.

  3. Diana...I think right now it has to be these creamy soups from Campbell's. He likes the potato and bacon one a lot! Also he loves cottage cheese and yogurt mixed together. All the things that I cannot have he does!!! Your post made me laugh! I'll rub his face just as soon as he wakes up! Miss you guys!
