Welcome friends and family!

We created this blog so that everyone near and dear to our hearts will be able to connect with us from around the globe, hear all about Quentin and the journey that we like to call "parenthood"!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where did the time go?

I can't believe that we are going to be celebrating Quentin's 5th birthday in less than one month. The time has gone so quickly and when I look at him I still see the tiny little guy that I brought home from the hospital. He's growing by the minute it seems (longer, not wider). It's really true that time goes by quicker once you have children.

I took Quentin a few days ago to get fitted for a new wheelchair because he has officially outgrown the "stroller" like chair that they gave him almost three years ago now. It is supposed to be more "user friendly" than the last. So, that means that Grandma Linda and Auntie Carol will now be able to take Quentin places when they babysit because they will be able to work the chair and store it away easier!

We are being provided diapers through the State of Arizona which I have to say is pretty great. They aren't the best diapers we have ever used, but free beats buying them anyday! His nutritionist is still trying to get him to drink some sort of canned product that they can provide to us to help alleviate the cost of buying milk and carnation instant breakfast every week or two, but I'm a skeptic. I don't really like any of the canned goods that they have, but they do pack more calories than what he is getting now, so I think that I have it where he will drink it if half of the drink is the canned stuff and half is the real deal. They bug us every time we go in about making sure that he stays on track with his weight gain.

He must be going through a growth spurt because he is sleeping all day long and although I want him to wake up and enjoy the day, it's nice to have a minute in which I can actually get some work done in the morning. He's been having seizures too, so I think that is part of the reason that he is sleeping so much. He usually has them in the mornings when he wakes up. I have looked up the type of seizures that his neurologist in San Diego said that he thought Quentin was having and it seems as though it's really, really hard to treat them. We obviously don't want to give him too much medication, but it's hard to see him go through that too. It's something that we will have to deal with forever, but hopefully we can find a way to deal with them more effectively.

We had a nice visit with my mom when she came to visit this past weekend. We didn't get out to do much because it was 106 degrees out here, but it was nice just to be able to talk and hang out. I am looking forward to our trip to Long Beach next month to celebrate Quentin's birthday and to be able to hang out with family and friends. Kari and Kristense (cousins from my mom's side) are going to spend some time with us tomorrow here in Tucson and I'm excited that we get to see them. We are going to try and take them to Tombstone so that they can see something interesting and historical...and so that Quentin and I can explore something new in Tucson too!

Until the next time...


  1. Congratulations on Quentin winning second place in the the Candid Clicks Cute Kids Contest! Way to go!!


  2. Thanks for the update! I like hearing about Quentin's progress and the new things he is doing. Glad to hear that your moms visit was good. Sorry we didn't get to meet up while I was there, as long as I was there, it was still busy with family visit and stuff. Hopefully next time! Are you guys still trying to plan a visit here?

