Welcome friends and family!

We created this blog so that everyone near and dear to our hearts will be able to connect with us from around the globe, hear all about Quentin and the journey that we like to call "parenthood"!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Making New Friends

So, you asking yourself, two posts in one month, what the heck is going on? I know, I know. It is unusual, but I wanted to share something fun. I met someone. Actually, I met two someone's! Long story, short. Quentin's new respite worker helps another mommy that has a son with CP and she connected me with Patricia, who also connected me with Shauna and now I have two new mommy friends. Exciting? YES!

We talked about everything that you might be able to imagine and more. I learned so many things that I probably should have brought a pen and pad to the play date, because of course I have forgotten half of them already. They are full of so much knowledge and have tried so many treatments and therapies that it was a little overwhelming, but very exciting at the same time. Maybe, just maybe Quentin and I will be able to benefit from making friends. I get to spend time with women that understand my day-to-day a little bit and Quentin gets new friends and maybe we will be able to try something new that we hadn't even thought about before. Win, win!

I wasn't able to bring Quentin to the meeting today because he was at school, but their kids are great. Patricia has triplets (and two older children also) that are almost three. Zach has CP and gorgeous red hair and eyelashes (fire red to be exact)...so cute, and he smiled at me a lot, so I think I may have a new friend! Shauna has three children. I got to meet Lola the baby (16 months) and she's adorable and Christian her son who is almost 3 who has CP. He is such a big boy I couldn't believe that he wasn't even 3 yet! Shauna has a wonderful blog for Christian, christiansjourney.org, which I looked at as soon as I got home, of course. Each of our stories are different, but we relate which is sometimes what is needed. Shauna brought up a good point. She said something along the lines that it's nice to be around people that aren't always looking at you with pity or worry because they think that you are sad. I think that it's just nice to sit down with a group of people that talk to you and your kiddo and aren't seeing their disability first.

On a quick side note, Quentin had another IEP meeting again at school yesterday and it went really well. They are really happy with all of his progress and have changed some of the goals to be a bit more challenging for him now. He will be working on using his hands to activate switches instead of his head now. He tolerates being in the stander more and they would like to see him eventually be able to actually bear a little weight on his feet so that we can use that for transferring him in and out of his bed, or chair, later on. We have to incorporate a good stretching and massage routine at home to help keep from developing contractures (A condition of shortening and hardening of muscles, tendons, or other tissue, often leading to deformity and rigidity of joints*Merriam-Webster*) in his hands and wrists. Also, to keep him from having pain and arthritis in his joints later on. So, I'm going to learn their routine and see if there is anything that I'm missing and really work on being more consistent with it, because it's truly more beneficial for him that way. I am always glad to hear that he is doing well and improving on his goals and it makes me happy to see him grow. Quentin will be 6 in two and a half months and I say the same thing every year. Where did the time go?

Signing off now. See you during my next moment of silence!

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